Γράφει ο Αλέξανδρος-Μιχαήλ Χατζηλύρας

Below you can find material available from the conferene which took place on Monday, 11 October titled "The Contribution, Rights and Protection of Minorities in the Cyprus Society", namely the poster, the booklet that was published and distributed at the conference, the greetings by the Minister of Justice and Public Order, the Ombudsman, the Maronite Representative, the Armenian Representative and the Latin Representative, the speech by Dr. Madella (both in English and in Greek) and the speech by Dr. Potier.

- Αφίσα
- Φυλλάδιο
- Minister speech
- Armenian Representative greeting
- Latin Representative greeting
- Madella speech (English - Ελληνικά)
- Maronite Representative greeting
- Ombudsman speech
- Tim Potier speech